Sunday, February 2, 2014

Judge Engineers by Their Questions

The old J. Paul Getty formula for success still holds true today - "Rise early, work hard, strike oil."  With the rise of the machines, the formula might need modification - "Rise early, work hard, ask great questions."  Ideation, creativity, and innovation will increasingly separate the average from the superior in the context of engineering talent.

Consider the following from the Second Machine Age by Brynjolfsson and McAfee -

"Computer are not useless, but they're still machines for generating answers, not posing interesting new questions.  That ability still seems to be uniquely human, and still highly valuable.  We predict that people who are good at idea creation will continue to have a comparative advantage over digital labor for some time to come, and will find themselves in demand."

Voltaire might make a great CEO in the machine age - "Judge a man by his questions, not the answers."

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