Sunday, March 2, 2014

The Funeral Law Blog

A sample from the blog - - probably a growth industry (link):

"There is no prevailing consensus amongst states in the U.S. over where cremated remains may be kept or scattered. Some states like Florida, Louisiana, and Maryland do not have any statutes restricting the disposition of cremated remains. Some family members of the deceased opt to scatter the ashes of the deceased at sea, or place the ashes in an urn on their mantle. Whether by the direction of the now deceased, or by the independent judgment of surviving relatives, a rare breed of sports fans opt to engage in a more untraditional phenomenon whereby the cremated remains of their loved one are scattered on the playing surface at their favorite sporting venue.

At first glance this practice might seem bizarre, but, according to Dr. Amy Dickson, an assistant professor of psychiatry at the LSU Health Sciences Center, "[f]or an avid sports fan, the idea of having their ashes scattered at a place that made them happy might be very strong. For many people, allying with a team is what drives their week . . . so continuing that allegiance after death is just another step.""

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