Sunday, July 31, 2016
Evaluating the effects of the I-35W bridge collapse on road-users in the twin cities metropolitan region
Evaluating the effects of the I-35W bridge collapse on road-users in the twin cities metropolitan region: (2011). Evaluating the effects of the I-35W bridge collapse on road-users in the twin cities metropolitan region. Transportation Planning and Technology: Vol. 34, Traffic Congestion Mitigation: Combining Engineering and Economic Perspectives, pp. 691-703. doi: 10.1080/03081060.2011.602850
Bill Gates Looks at Productivity
America’s Best Days Are Not Behind Us via @billgates— Dr.Steven D.Sanders (@DocEngineering) July 31, 2016
Word of the Day - Jagoff
From Mark Cuban - link.
A History of Data Mining
The History of Data Mining - Dataconomy via @DataconomyMedia— Dr.Steven D.Sanders (@DocEngineering) July 31, 2016
Saturday, July 30, 2016
A Good Introduction to Machine Learning
“Machine Learning is Fun!” by @ageitgey— Dr.Steven D.Sanders (@DocEngineering) July 30, 2016
Friday, July 29, 2016
The New New Economy
What the 21st century holds for how we live, travel, and work. via @voxdotcom— Dr.Steven D.Sanders (@DocEngineering) July 29, 2016
Thursday, July 28, 2016
The Unlearned Engineer
Great article in Medium on downskilling and upskilling:
"What our irresistible obsolescence reveals (or puts out in the open), whatever our responsibilities, is that the ability to unlearn, as much as learning, becomes a competitive advantage for both organizations and humans. It forces us to have a more and more humble attitude as to our “expertise”. It also pushes us to embrace a more socio-political approach to technology."
The Challenges of Running a Water Utility in 2016
The Unforgiving New Landscape for Water Utilities— Dr.Steven D.Sanders (@DocEngineering) July 28, 2016
The Autonomous Bulldozer
Anatomy of Autonomy— Dr.Steven D.Sanders (@DocEngineering) July 28, 2016
Wednesday, July 27, 2016
MOOCs and Your Engineering Career
— Dr.Steven D.Sanders (@DocEngineering) July 27, 2016
An Engineer Looks at Climate Change
Outline of notes on climate change:
Many names and signal word/phrases for the same
thing – climate change, global warming, extreme weather, etc. This has produced a “War of the Words” – the
banning of certain words in places like Florida (i.e., global warming).
The scientific community is clear – between 1991
and 2012, a review of 13,950 peer-reviewed scientific journal articles found
that only 24 papers rejected anthropogenic global warming.
There is both an “input” and “output” side to
the climate change debate and discussion.
The “input” side is dominated by reducing carbon emissions before reaching
and passing a carbon dioxide threshold, while the “output” side looks at the
ramifications of either incremental or absolute climate change – severe
droughts, flooding, land use planning, resiliency, emergency response, etc. The bulk of the AEC industry will benefit
from climate change on the “output” side – helping clients and communities
adapt to a changing world. The benefits
of both the “input” and “output” sides of climate change will also be positive
for the AEC industry – from renewable energy to new sources of water supply to
flood control. The AEC industry is the
ONLY industry positioned to solve a broad range of “output” climate change
problems our clients face this century.
Our collective weakness and prison of our success has been incremental
thinking – where thinking about climate change solutions will require bolder and
more expansive thinking on a rough journey to an uncertain future.
Climate change is a “creeping” problem –
temporally it moves at a snail’s pace.
Historically, we have individually and collectively been terrible at
managing slow moving problems (i.e., the financial solvency of Social Security
is a classic example). The difference in
the concept of time is hugely problematic for the political aristocracy when
dealing with creeping problems – the one-year planning cycle versus the
100-year problem. There currently exists
no penalty for climate change planning inertia in 2016. Keep in mind the more likely scenario of the
politics catching up to the science is at an inflection point or trigger event
(i.e., a hurricane in Miami that kills 25,000 people in 2035).
Discussing climate change directly interfaces
with all segments of modern society – social, economic, environmental,
political, etc. Climate change is viewed
as a “wicked problem” – hugely complex, global, systems based, and
Climate change over this century will produce
both economic winners and losers. Canada
and Russia are expected to benefit economically, while equatorial Africa will
not. The same holds for the United
States. A warming planet could produce
economic growth in Montana (i.e., as a new retirement beacon) and hurt Chicago
due to killer heat waves. Places like
Ohio might benefit from climate change (i.e., a global manufacturing center
with more reliable water resources and a milder climate) while places like
Arizona might face mounting water supply woes that restricts future
development. Climate change will produce
a rebalancing of the world in terms of economics and population via climate
change forced migration – producing broad global and regional debates and problems.
Climate change is viewed globally as a monolithic
problem – but the reality is one of regional and local context.
The climate change debate has produced public
segmentation centered along political ideology.
Some of this segmentation is focused on fundamental debates regarding
the limits of economic growth and the notion of sustainability. The political
spectrum produces broad support for things like increasing transportation
funding, but little broad support for anything under the banner of “Climate
Change” infrastructure improvements.
In a Pew Research national survey from March 9,
2016 – 45% of respondents agreed with the statement that “Climate change is a
very serious problem.” There is a gender
gap in terms of the climate change – women are more concerned about climate
change than men (i.e., a function of political ideology – 52% of women are
registered Democrats versus 44% of men).
We are increasingly a 50%/50% nation – climate change is just another
example on the road to 50/50.
One critical “output” of global warming/climate
change is water – either too much water or not enough. Rising atmospheric moisture from global
warming will increase both the intensity and variability of rainfall –
especially in places like Ohio (i.e., too much rainfall) and Texas (i.e., too
little rainfall). Sea level rise and higher
coastal storm surges will increasingly be problematic – 40% of the U.S. population
lives in a county that is on a sea coast.
Climate change and the impact on littoralization – the tendency for
people and businesses to cluster on coastlines – needs to be watched this
Flooding will be a dominate climate change theme
– heavy downpours are increasing. Across
most of the U.S., the heaviest rainfall events have become heavier and more
frequent. The amount of rain failing on
the heaviest rain days has also increased over the past decades. Since 1991, the amount of rain failing in
very heavy precipitation events has been significantly above average. The increase has been greater in the
Northeast, Midwest, and upper Great Plains – more than 30% above the 1901-1960
Communities will face the “known knowns” of
climate change – more frequent flooding is an example. These types of risks and consequences are
manageable and well-defined. The bigger
risks are the “unknown unknowns” – the futuristic Stephen King-like “zombie”
algae blooms of 2040 that threaten water quality in Lake Erie.
In terms of coastal communities – both the
insurance and municipal bond markets might be drivers of initial change in the
context of climate change. Insurance
availability will clarify coastal “defend” or “retreat” decisions, while the
financial markets will demand increasing assurances that communities are
thinking about the risks associated with the climate change.
Our climate change future might be about
planning and designing for resilience – the ability to bounce back more quickly
and effectively in the face of extreme weather events, economic shocks, and
social change. The Rockefeller
Foundation has established the Global 100 – communities around the globe
working on resiliency. Below is a sample
of the resiliency challenges identified by the cities from citizen surveys and
meetings. Many of the concerns directly
interface with current and future climate change projections (i.e., flooding)
while many others paint a “Welcome to Hell” future where aging and failing
infrastructure collides with extreme weather events of increasing frequency and
magnitudes this century.
Coastal Flooding
Economic Inequality
Aging Infrastructure
Aging Infrastructure
Aging Infrastructure
Coastal Flooding
Endemic Crime and Violence
Epidemic of Drug and Alcohol Abuse
Poor Health Infrastructure
Disease Outbreak
Economic Shifts
Poor Health Infrastructure
Poor Transportation
Heat Wave
Rising Sea Level
and Coastal Erosion
Social Inequality
Social Inequality
Developed/Unreliable Transportation System
Social Inequality
Poor Air Quality/Pollution
Cities, especially large urban centers (i.e.,
The City-State), will probably be forced to take the lead on climate change
planning in a federal/state fiscally constrained YOYO (You’re on Your Own)
World. Technology, resiliency thinking,
creativity, and innovation probably will reside with cities like Columbus,
Louisville, Dallas, etc. Cities are
getting progressively better at addressing and managing “wicked problems” on
their own (some of this comes from a class of skilled and gifted Mayors) – look
for this to continue with climate change.
Trump Talks HVAC
This exchange between Hannity and Trump on air conditioners and John Kerry:— Sopan Deb (@SopanDeb) July 26, 2016
Monday, July 25, 2016
This Week in Aviation History
7-Eleven just used a drone to deliver a chicken sandwich and slurpees via @FortuneMagazine— Dr.Steven D.Sanders (@DocEngineering) July 25, 2016
How Engineers Should Think About Social Media
“The eight lessons we learned” by @deniselaw_— Dr.Steven D.Sanders (@DocEngineering) July 25, 2016
A Paragraph to Ponder
From the current issue of The Economist:
"As the world’s biggest manufacturing power, China is well placed to lead this transition. Which is why this week GE, the world’s biggest industrial company, opened what it calls a “digital foundry” in Shanghai. The centre will help Chinese companies develop and commercialise products for the industrial internet of things, which involves factory machines and industrial goods communicating with each other and their surroundings. It will probably be a much bigger market than the one for consumers. China has millions of factories with billions of machines and it also makes most of the world’s electronics, including many of the sensors and other electronic devices that would form the backbone of such a network. Moreover, the government is keen to upgrade the country’s manufacturing base."
"As the world’s biggest manufacturing power, China is well placed to lead this transition. Which is why this week GE, the world’s biggest industrial company, opened what it calls a “digital foundry” in Shanghai. The centre will help Chinese companies develop and commercialise products for the industrial internet of things, which involves factory machines and industrial goods communicating with each other and their surroundings. It will probably be a much bigger market than the one for consumers. China has millions of factories with billions of machines and it also makes most of the world’s electronics, including many of the sensors and other electronic devices that would form the backbone of such a network. Moreover, the government is keen to upgrade the country’s manufacturing base."
Tuesday, July 19, 2016
The Sociopath - #1 National Bestseller
A paragraph to ponder - from The New Yorker - Donald Trump's Ghostwriter Tells All:
"If he were writing “The Art of the Deal” today, Schwartz said, it would be a very different book with a very different title. Asked what he would call it, he answered, “The Sociopath.”"
"If he were writing “The Art of the Deal” today, Schwartz said, it would be a very different book with a very different title. Asked what he would call it, he answered, “The Sociopath.”"

Tweet of the Day
If you repeat the original material in a heavy accent, it's not plagiarism. #FamousMelianaTrumpQuotes— Charles Warnock (@CharlesWarnock) July 19, 2016
Monday, July 18, 2016
Our Futuristic World of Augmented Reality
In Less Than a Week, Pokémon Go Has More Than 6 Million Mentions on Twitter— Dr.Steven D.Sanders (@DocEngineering) July 18, 2016
Sunday, July 17, 2016
Look For Augmented Reality to Make Huge Inroads into Engineering Applications
'Pokémon Go' is the 'aha' moment AR has been waiting for via @engadget— Dr.Steven D.Sanders (@DocEngineering) July 17, 2016
The Adaptable Leader
The ‘Adaptable Leader’ is the New Holy Grail — Become One, Hire One –— Dr.Steven D.Sanders (@DocEngineering) July 17, 2016
Watch Brookfield Asset Management
From Urbanomics:
"In a reflection of the rise of "alternative" investment class in a world of ultra-low yields, Brookfield, the Toronto-based asset manager which has $250 bn under management, hasraised a $14 bn fund to invest in infrastructure. It would be the largest single commitment to a sector. Brookfield, which bought the owner of London's Canary Wharf, allocates 60% of its investments to developed and the rest to emerging markets, and follows a counter-cyclical investment strategy of buying in distressed periods. It has as partners some of the world's largest SWF's like Singapore's GIC and Qatar Investment Authority and has been acquiring assets in Latin America, including a 2013 acquisition of an integrated system of railroads, ports and inland terminals in Brazil and is investing $7bn to expand the port and terminals."
Link to Brookfield Asset Management.
"In a reflection of the rise of "alternative" investment class in a world of ultra-low yields, Brookfield, the Toronto-based asset manager which has $250 bn under management, hasraised a $14 bn fund to invest in infrastructure. It would be the largest single commitment to a sector. Brookfield, which bought the owner of London's Canary Wharf, allocates 60% of its investments to developed and the rest to emerging markets, and follows a counter-cyclical investment strategy of buying in distressed periods. It has as partners some of the world's largest SWF's like Singapore's GIC and Qatar Investment Authority and has been acquiring assets in Latin America, including a 2013 acquisition of an integrated system of railroads, ports and inland terminals in Brazil and is investing $7bn to expand the port and terminals."
Link to Brookfield Asset Management.
Video Game Playing and Unemployed Young Males
From the University of Chicago:
"Right now, I’m gathering facts about the possible mechanisms at play, beginning with a hard look at time-use by young men with less than a four-year degree. In the 2000s, employment rates for this group dropped sharply – more than in any other group. We have determined that, in general, they are not going back to school or switching careers, so what are they doing with their time? The hours that they are not working have been replaced almost one for one with leisure time. Seventy-five percent of this new leisure time falls into one category: video games. The average low-skilled, unemployed man in this group plays video games an average of 12, and sometimes upwards of 30 hours per week. This change marks a relatively major shift that makes me question its effect on their attachment to the labor market.
To answer that question, I researched what fraction of these unemployed gamers from 2000 were also idle the previous year. A staggering 22% - almost one quarter – of unemployed young men did not work the previous year either. These individuals are living with parents or relatives, and happiness surveys actually indicate that they quite content compared to their peers, making it hard to argue that some sort of constraint, like they are miserable because they can’t find a job, is causing them to play video games. The obvious problem with this lifestyle occurs as they age and haven’t accumulated any skills or experience. As a 30- or 40-year old man getting married and needing to provide for a family, job options are extremely limited. This older group of lower-educated men seems to be much less happy than their cohorts."
Friday, July 15, 2016
The Education of an Engineer - Working on Your Listening Skills
— Dr.Steven D.Sanders (@DocEngineering) July 15, 2016
The World's Widest Immersed Road Tunnel
Watch “The ShenZhong link” on @Vimeo— Dr.Steven D.Sanders (@DocEngineering) July 15, 2016
Is Pokemon Go Technology the Future of Infrastructure Asset Management?
Pokémon Go offers a winning blend of virtual and real worlds - via @FT— Dr.Steven D.Sanders (@DocEngineering) July 15, 2016
Hurricane Drought
From the New York Times:
"The United States coastline has been calm so far this hurricane season, just as it has been over the last decade. Since 2005, the year of Hurricanes Katrina, Rita and Wilma, the country has been in a hurricane “drought,” with no major hurricane (Category 3 or above, meaning winds above 110 miles per hour) making landfall. The nation’s most hurricane-prone regions, the Southeast and Gulf Coasts, have been eerily quiet."
"The United States coastline has been calm so far this hurricane season, just as it has been over the last decade. Since 2005, the year of Hurricanes Katrina, Rita and Wilma, the country has been in a hurricane “drought,” with no major hurricane (Category 3 or above, meaning winds above 110 miles per hour) making landfall. The nation’s most hurricane-prone regions, the Southeast and Gulf Coasts, have been eerily quiet."
Term of the Day - Subway Desert
A New Map of New York's 'Subway Deserts'— Dr.Steven D.Sanders (@DocEngineering) July 15, 2016
Thursday, July 7, 2016
Wednesday, July 6, 2016
Mr. Robot Looks at SCADA
A paragraph to ponder from DataCenterDynamics:
"In terms of raw data, the number of attacks has increased each of the last few years: Dell saw worldwide SCADA attacks increase from 91,676 in January 2012 to 163,228 in January 2013, up to 675,186 in January 2014."
"In terms of raw data, the number of attacks has increased each of the last few years: Dell saw worldwide SCADA attacks increase from 91,676 in January 2012 to 163,228 in January 2013, up to 675,186 in January 2014."
Laissez-faire Engineering
From the Marginal Revolution:
"Very few people imagined that self-driving cars would advance so quickly or be deployed so rapidly. As a result, robot cars are largely unregulated. There is no government testing regime or pre-certification for robot cars, for example. Indeed, most states don’t even require a human driver because no one imagined that there was an alternative. Many people, however, are beginning to question laissez-faire in light of the first fatality involving a partially-autonomous car that occurred in May and became public last week. That would be a mistake. The normal system of laissez-faire is working well for robot cars.
Laissez-faire for new technologies is the norm. In the automotive world, for example, new technologies have been deployed on cars for over a hundred years without pre-certification including seatbelts, air bags, crumple zones, abs braking systems, adaptive cruise control and lane departure and collision warning systems. Some of these technologies are now regulated but regulation came after these technologies were developed and became common. Airbags began to be deployed in the 1970s, for example when they were not as safe as they are today but airbags improved over time and by the 1990s were fairly common. It was only in 1998, long after they were an option and the design had stabilized, that the Federal government required airbags in all new cars.
Lane departure and collision warning systems, among other technologies, remain largely unregulated by the Federal government today. All technologies, however, are regulated by the ordinary rules of tort (part of the laissez-faire system). The tort system is imperfect but it works tolerably well especially when it focuses on contract and disclosure. Market regulation also occurs through the insurance companies. Will insurance companies given a discount for self-driving cars? Will they charge more? Forbid the use of self-driving cars? Let the system evolve an answer.
Had burdensome regulations been imposed on airbags in the 1970s the technology would have been delayed and the net result could well have been more injury and death. We have ignored important tradeoffs in drug regulation to our detriment. Let’s avoid these errors in the regulation of other technologies.
The fatality in May was a tragedy but so were the approximately 35,000 other traffic fatalities that occurred last year without a robot at the wheel. At present, these technologies appear to be increasing safety but even more importantly what I have called the glide path of the technology looks very good. Investment is flowing into this field and we don’t want to forestall improvements by raising costs now or imposing technological “fixes” which could well be obsolete in a few years.
Laissez-faire is working well for robot cars. Let’s avoid over-regulation today so that in a dozen years we can argue about whether all cars should be required to be robot cars."
"Very few people imagined that self-driving cars would advance so quickly or be deployed so rapidly. As a result, robot cars are largely unregulated. There is no government testing regime or pre-certification for robot cars, for example. Indeed, most states don’t even require a human driver because no one imagined that there was an alternative. Many people, however, are beginning to question laissez-faire in light of the first fatality involving a partially-autonomous car that occurred in May and became public last week. That would be a mistake. The normal system of laissez-faire is working well for robot cars.
Laissez-faire for new technologies is the norm. In the automotive world, for example, new technologies have been deployed on cars for over a hundred years without pre-certification including seatbelts, air bags, crumple zones, abs braking systems, adaptive cruise control and lane departure and collision warning systems. Some of these technologies are now regulated but regulation came after these technologies were developed and became common. Airbags began to be deployed in the 1970s, for example when they were not as safe as they are today but airbags improved over time and by the 1990s were fairly common. It was only in 1998, long after they were an option and the design had stabilized, that the Federal government required airbags in all new cars.
Lane departure and collision warning systems, among other technologies, remain largely unregulated by the Federal government today. All technologies, however, are regulated by the ordinary rules of tort (part of the laissez-faire system). The tort system is imperfect but it works tolerably well especially when it focuses on contract and disclosure. Market regulation also occurs through the insurance companies. Will insurance companies given a discount for self-driving cars? Will they charge more? Forbid the use of self-driving cars? Let the system evolve an answer.
Had burdensome regulations been imposed on airbags in the 1970s the technology would have been delayed and the net result could well have been more injury and death. We have ignored important tradeoffs in drug regulation to our detriment. Let’s avoid these errors in the regulation of other technologies.
The fatality in May was a tragedy but so were the approximately 35,000 other traffic fatalities that occurred last year without a robot at the wheel. At present, these technologies appear to be increasing safety but even more importantly what I have called the glide path of the technology looks very good. Investment is flowing into this field and we don’t want to forestall improvements by raising costs now or imposing technological “fixes” which could well be obsolete in a few years.
Laissez-faire is working well for robot cars. Let’s avoid over-regulation today so that in a dozen years we can argue about whether all cars should be required to be robot cars."
Tuesday, July 5, 2016
Monday, July 4, 2016
Can You Teach Engineers to Innovate?
"The answer to this question is: no. You cannot teach people to innovate. You can teach them tools and techniques like TRIZ or trend spotting. You can teach them process methodologies that lead them from customer needs to ideas to prototypes to customer validation tests. You can teach them to think about innovation outcomes that are more disruptive or radical than incremental change. You can show them Doblin’s Ten Types model to help them think through the potential outcomes of an innovation activity. But until they understand that innovation is a holistic implementation of all of these factors, and requires them to release their fear, uncertainty and doubt, you are hammering jello to a wall. It will not stick. The wall must be removed as the knowledge is applied.
People can innovate. What we can do is accelerate, simplify and make their innovation activities more productive and efficient through tools and techniques. But what we cannot do is remove fear, uncertainty, corporate constraints and a lack of executive commitment. We cannot force organizations to sustain innovation activities so the work is repeated until it becomes familiar and eventually second nature. So the real question is: can we teach organizations and corporate cultures to innovate? We know the answer to this is yes, but few companies have the time and patience to make the change that’s necessary."
The Spread of the Exit Moment - #TXexit
@GregAbbott_TX 8th Generation Texan here One of my GFathers fought at San Jacinto time for #Txexit Texans for Succession !— {{{Vicki Jay}}} (@ascending2him) June 28, 2016
Civil Engineering: The Profession of the Low Bid
Urbanomics: The Panama Canal Locks and perils of low-ball bids...— Dr.Steven D.Sanders (@DocEngineering) July 4, 2016
Sunday, July 3, 2016
Digital Globalization in the Era of Walls
Digital globalization: The new era of global flows | McKinsey & Company— Dr.Steven D.Sanders (@DocEngineering) July 3, 2016
Too Many Deaths
From NewGeography - - Limited European economic growth in the context of the past (i.e., too many wars) and the present/future (i.e., declining birth rates).
Song Lyrics of the Day - 80's Mercedes by Maren Morris
Woah oh, whoa oh, oh
Woah oh, whoa oh, oh
Still runs good, built to last
Moves like a hula girl on the dash
She ain't made for practicality
Yeah, I guess she's just like me
It's Saturday night, about time to go
Got my white leather jacket and a neon soul
Once I turn on the radio I'm ready to roll,
Ready to roll
Feel like a hard-to-get starlet when I'm driving
Turning every head, hell I ain't even trying
Got them Ray-Ban shades pretty in pink
Call me old school but hey
I'm a 90's baby
In my 80's Mercedes
I'm a 90's baby
In my 80's Mercedes
Woah oh, whoa oh, oh
Woah oh, whoa oh, oh
Pop the top down like a summer dream
She's my teenage time machine
Just keeps getting sweeter with age
She's classic through any decade
The suns in the sky, glitter on the seats
You can try, but the Benz is hard to beat
So, hey, if you want you can ride with me,
Ride with me
Feel like a hard-to-get starlet when I'm driving
Turning every head, hell I ain't even trying
Got them Ray-Ban shades pretty in pink
Call me old school but hey
I'm a 90's baby
In my 80's Mercedes
I'm a 90's baby
In my 80's Mercedes
Woah oh, whoa oh, oh
Woah oh, whoa oh, oh
It's Saturday night, about time to go
Got my white leather jacket and a neon soul
Once I turn on the radio I'm ready to roll
Ready to roll
Feel like a hard-to-get starlet when I'm driving
Turning every head hell I ain't even trying
Got them Ray-Ban shades pretty in pink
Call me old school but hey
I'm a 90's baby
In my 80's Mercedes
I'm a 90's baby
In my 80's Mercedes
Woah oh, whoa oh, oh
Woah oh, whoa oh, oh
Woah oh, whoa oh, oh
Woah oh, whoa oh, oh
What If You Were the Public Works Director for Westeros
“Westeros is Poorly Designed” by @lymanstoneky— Dr.Steven D.Sanders (@DocEngineering) July 3, 2016
The Open and Transparent Water Data Act
Link to the California bill. From the Meetings of the Mind blog:
"In seeking to meet the needs of residents, businesses and the environment, California lacks a comprehensive and accurate way to assess the water use and supply under its management responsibility. The State of California currently lacks the water data, or the widely adopted practices and technologies, which will enable better water management by its own governmental agencies. In addition, water infrastructure throughout the state is aging and in need of repair, numerous communities are without safe water, and many suffer from unreliable and degraded water supplies."
"In seeking to meet the needs of residents, businesses and the environment, California lacks a comprehensive and accurate way to assess the water use and supply under its management responsibility. The State of California currently lacks the water data, or the widely adopted practices and technologies, which will enable better water management by its own governmental agencies. In addition, water infrastructure throughout the state is aging and in need of repair, numerous communities are without safe water, and many suffer from unreliable and degraded water supplies."
Saturday, July 2, 2016
Working on the Engineer's Nightmare
The Fully Self-Driving Car Is Still Years Away— Dr.Steven D.Sanders (@DocEngineering) July 2, 2016
Friday, July 1, 2016
Chris Christie - The Infrastructure Vice President?
New Jersey declares a state of emergency over its crummy roads— Dr.Steven D.Sanders (@DocEngineering) July 2, 2016
Investing in Hockey
Daily chart: Interest in moving to Canada is at an all-time high via @TheEconomist— Dr.Steven D.Sanders (@DocEngineering) July 2, 2016
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