We have lost the ability to meet new people in person. Engineers were never very good at it - - the introverted personality thing. The bits and bytes of our social world also get in the way of a lost art - - walking up to a complete stranger and introducing yourself. One of the things engineers need to focus on is getting beyond their network of engineering and technical friends. Join other types of organizations that you have an interest in - - other professional societies or community service groups - - organizations that have a broader mix of our population. Practice meeting new and different people - - from doctors to lawyers to politicians - - introduce yourself and be prepared to carry on a topical discussion of interest to the whole group that you are meeting with. We all need to revisit the management and social secrets of Animal House (1978) - - just remember, "Hi, Eric Stratton, Rush chairman, damn glad to meet you." (Ok, maybe not exactly like that, but you get the point.)
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