Friday, June 6, 2014

Online at Georgia Tech

A report on Georgia Tech's online masters program - link.  From the report:

“I think that students -- myself included -- had a hard time adjusting to the vagaries of exploratory learning -- and that’s been an adjustment,” the student said. “A lot of students -- at least in the online program -- we’ve been out of school for longer than residential students have been, and it’s a little different in professional settings, because bosses don’t really do the Socratic lecturing thing that instructors are used to.”
The average student in the online program is 34 years old; the average residential student, 23.
To help one another decipher the assignments, the students have spilled out of the official forum and into not just the Reddit community, but also a Facebook group and a Google+ page. Posts on those sites range from griping about admissions requirements and comparing impressions to discussing Yellow Jackets baseball.
"We are thrilled to see this kind of interaction,” Galil said. “One student berates the fact that it’s difficult, two others jump on him and say, ‘These are Georgia Tech courses.’ This is much better coming from students.”

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