Sunday, October 11, 2009

Mas Petroleo = Mas Pobreza

The top 15 countries that provide the U.S. with crude oil imports (in barrels per day):

Canada - 1,845,000
Mexico - 1,092,000
Venezuela - 949,000
Saudi Arabia - 944,000
Nigeria - 860,000
Angola - 644,000
Iraq - 587,000
Brazil - 344,000
Columbia - 254,000
Russia - 219,000
Algeria - 215,000
Ecuador - 210,000
Kuwait - 181,000
Gabon - 108,000
Norway - 103,000

Nigeria is an interesting case of Mas Petroleo = Mas Pobroeza. Now the world's eighth-largest exporter of oil, Nigeria earned more than $400 billion from oil in recent decades, yet nine out of ten citizens live on less than $2 per day and one out of five children dies before his fifth birthday. Its per capita GDP is one-fifth of South Africa's. Even Senegal, which exports fish and nuts, has a larger per capita income. The World Bank estimates that 80 percent of Nigeria's oil wealth has gone to one percent of the population. A few years ago the national police chief was convicted of stealing $98 million, and the punch line was his sentence: six months in jail - one month for every $16 million.

More oil equals more poverty.

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