Thursday, July 22, 2010

Robert G. Bea, Ph.D., P.E.

Dr. Bea is a civil engineering professor at the University of California at Berkley. He has studied over 630 disaster of all types - - he played a major role in the Katrina investigation. Bea is also an expert on offshore drilling and is currently consulting with the presidential commission on the gulf disaster. He was interviewed on 60 Minutes (but not on Oprah) several months ago regarding his initial thoughts on what might have gone wrong - - he comes across as very smart, very experienced, very problems-are-caused-by-people, and very blunt.

Bea categories disasters into four groups. One involves an organization simply ignoring warning signs through over-confidence and incompetence. He thinks the BP spill falls into that category. Bea has pointed to congressional testimony that BP ignored problems with a dead battery, leaky cement job and loose hydraulic fittings. Bea also has stated that disasters don't happen because of an "evil empire" - - it's hubris, arrogance, and indolence (and like I wrote in a previous post - - two will get you three).

Bea is head of the Engineering & Project Management Program at Berkley were he teaches several classes. One is Human & Organizational Factors - - Quality and Reliability of Engineering. Supposedly he utilizes his own book and materials - - would love to get a copy of his material for this class and the others.

He also has the following on his school website - - The world needs engineers . . . .

whose truth cannot be bought,
whose word is their bond,
who put character and honesty above wealth,
who do not hesitate to take chances,
who will not lose their identity in a crowd,
who will be honest in small things as in great things,
who will make no compromise with wrong,
whose ambitions are not confined to their own selfish desires,
who will not say they do it "because everybody else does it,"
who are true to their friends through good report and evil report, in adversity as well as in prosperity,
who do no believe that shrewdness and cunning are the best qualities for winning success,
who are not ashamed to stand for truth when it is unpopular, and
who have integrity and wisdom in addition to knowledge.

1 comment:

  1. Here is the real proof that me the Inventor Afif Abou-Raphael is the father of the plug that eradicated the BP's oil spill and that is going to be the worldwide offshore drilling.
    These videos are the challenge to everybody including Dr. Bea to proving me wrong;
    BP did mislead everybody.
    (1 of 30). Comparison between my Plug and BP's. Genuine proof
    (2 of 30). Brief Summary about my solution for the BP’s Oil Spill
    (3 of 30). Brief Summary about the origin of my invention 1117864
    (4 of 30). White Paper submission to The USCG-RDC on May 15, 2010
    (5 of 30). The Note I sent to president Obama on May 23, 2010
    (6 of 30). I am the Mystery plumber. Note to Dr. Bea. May 29, 2010
    (7 of 30). Upgrading sent to the USCG-RDC after receiving their demand
    (8 of 30). The nonsense answers that I received from the USCG-RDC
    (9 of 30). The article that proved to me that BP is using my idea
    (10 of 30). Correspondence with the USCG-RDC to give me a thank you note
    (11 of 30). What Dr. Bea said to the press, and my correspondence with the CSM
    (12 of 30). Correspondence with the US Embassy in Ottawa and more
    (13 of 30). I received this hard letter that is full of lies from the USCG-RDC
    (14 of 30). The collusion between Mr. Patrick Jonsson and M. J. Sisson
    (15 of 30). Sent to President Obama including his speech in Panama City
    (16 of 30). Asking Mr. Axelrod to inform the President about my worries
    (17 of 30). The USCG deleted the truth about me providing the plug to the RDC
    (18 of 30). I asked President Obama to give me The Citizen Medal
    (19 of 30). What I sent to the Secretary of Energy Mr. Steven Chu
    (20 of 30). The phases of the BP'S oil spill from day one
    (21 of 30). BP used failed devices before using my idea to stop the spill
    (22 of 30). Solid proof showing that BP did mislead everybody
    (23 of 30). Answering Mr. Kent Wells BP’s Vice President
    (24 of 30). Answering Mr. M. J. Sisson the RDC’s commanding Officer
    (25 of 30). Answering everybody who did fabricate lies
    (26 of 30). Answering Mr. Thad Allen after he did not say the truth
    (27 of 30). Answering Dr. Bea; you are not fair
    (28 of 30). Answering the Secretary of Energy Dr. Steven Chu
    (29 of 30). Telling President Obama that I deserve the Citizen Medal
    (30 of 30). My appeal to the US Congress for an enquiry about the Spill


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