Saturday, June 7, 2014

Glace Luxury Ice Co. and Value Pricing Water

Just how bad are we at valuing water?  Try $8 per ice cube from Glace Luxury.  On the idea for the company (link):

"In 2007, during a business school lecture at UCLA, Roberto Sequeira had a revelation. What if I could design the perfect business? he asked himself, something niche, high-margin, scalable. He ran through a rolodex of potential consumer items -- watches, food, clothing -- before arriving at his moment of clarity: he’d start an ice cube company. But not just any ice cube company -- one that sold its wares at $8 a piece. Today his brainchild, Gläce Luxury Ice, caters posh events at the Playboy Mansion and L.A. Fashion Week; for the mere price of $325, 50 Gläce cubes are all yours -- complete with an "elegant" resealable bag.
For most of us, filling a 50-cent plastic tray with tap water and throwing it in the freezer works just fine. Ice cubes are a virtually free resource (save for the inconsequential amount of water used, and the electricity to power your refrigerator). But according to Gläce and other luxury ice cube companies, we’re vastly underestimating the importance of high-end ice."

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